Account Payments

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Account Payments

Basis of Fees

Fees rendered by our firm will be generally agreed with an 'upfront pricing Agreement' based on the value of time spent on each assignment. If no upfront price agreement has been made, then the fees rendered will be on the value of time spent on each assignment.

Payment Terms

Invoices for work done in a calendar month will be delivered by the seventh working day of the following month and are due for payment by the 20th of that month.

Any unpaid fees outside these terms will incur interest penalties. Interest will be charged at 1.5% per month and charging of such interest will be at the discretion of Coombe Smith (PN) Limited. Any collection or legal costs incurred in recovering an outstanding debt will be added to the amount outstanding.

Bank Account Details

We welcome payments direct to our bank account, with your name and invoice number in the reference field.

Our bank account details are:

Bank:             BNZ, Palmerston North

Account No:   02-0630 0121691-000 


If you would like to pay by automatic payment click here to download an automatic payment authority.

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