course, if most people had achieved success, the self-improvement books and articles
such as this one would not be needed.)
Possibly, the answer to this question lies within the process of goal planning and goal
achievement. Using the following strategic 7 tips may help you to consistently achieve
more goals and increase your dream for incredible success. (Note: Understanding that
goal setting or planning and goal achievement is a process is critical when using the
following 7 strategies.)
1. Goals must be written. Committing a goal to writing creates permanence not
found in just having a mental thought or dream. Written goals have greater clarity and
provide for a more detailed focus. (NOTE: Just think about what happens when you
forget your grocery list.)
2. Goals require criteria. Much like the favourite recipe of Aunt Emma, a goal also
requires specific ingredients that are always used to ensure consistent, high quality
results. The S.M.A.R.T criteria are one such example.
3. Goals must be stated positively. For example, writing a goal that begins "I will not
gain 10 pounds" has just the reverse affect on the brain. The brain due to negative
conditioning tunes out the not and hears "I will gain 10 pounds." A better written goal
would be I will lose 10 pounds.
4. Goals should build an emotional buy in. The "why" for achieving the goal needs
to be answered. This response should include both the rewards and consequences
specific to achieving or not achieving the goal.
5. Goals should include positive affirmation or what I call belief statements.
These positive self-talk statements help to continue a strong mental image for achieving
the goal.
6. Goal should identify all the potential obstacles, challenges or problems that
need to be overcome to achieve the goal. By taking the time to think about all the
potential reasons for not being successful, you have potentially avoided the many
OOP's that happen when we work to achieve our goals.
7. Finally, goals should be yours or what some call WIFFM (What's In It For Me).
We achieve those goals that are most important to us because we created them.
Achieving goals for others does not deliver the same emotional high than when we truly
own the goals.
Remember , the key to success is consistency. These 7 great tips should help you
become more consistent and more successful because as the old expression goes
success breeds success.